New Beginnings
I’m calling on You
So please hear my prayer,
My heart is heavy
Full of grief and despair,
My voice may sound unfamiliar
But You heard it in the past,
We shared a close relationship
One that I thought would last,
But things happened within my life
That caused me to go astray,
And I lost sight of You, my Lord
And became the devil’s prey,
Worldly gains distorted my view
And I thought I was a winner,
But the fact of the matter, my Lord
I was just a no-good sinner,
But now my worldly gains are gone
And my health is failing too,
By any means necessary
You’ll turn us towards You,
You desire to give us good
Yet, we, forsake to Your dismay,
Only to later find
That Jesus is the WAY,
So, I beg for forgiveness
And a brand new start,
Never again
Will You leave my heart,
I’ll go and tell
All the people my story,
Of thou Lord’s
Power and Glory,
Amen! ©
For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new person. The old life is gone. New life has begun. – 2 Corinthians 5:17
by Eric Jenkins