Do u love Me?
We can all relate in some form or fashion to the question “do you love me.” Whether paternal, romantic, or friendship, at some point we’ve all encountered this question. In fact, not so long ago this question was popularized as someone asked, “Kiki do you love me.” I saw many attempts by individuals to answer the question, some could even be categorized as reckless, but nonetheless people were outwardly and openly responding to the question. Well, long before this question was trendy in a song on the radio and internet, Jesus had already asked the same question, “Peter do you love me.” Jesus asked Peter this question not once but three times concurrently. Once would have been sufficient but three times would cause anyone to pause and ponder the gravity of the question. As Jesus asked Peter then, so too does He ask us today and seeks a response. Before you so quickly answer, remember Jesus also stated, “if you love me keep my commands.” What reckless acts of obedience are you displaying that showcases your love for Jesus?