KISS in the New Year!
I pose this question, “How do you start off a New Year?” Some may say, “Start off with forgiveness —forgive all those who may have wronged you.” Others may say, “Start off with a commitment to good health —get yourself checked out and start exercising.” While others may say, “Start off with a financial analysis —manage your money better.” Again, others may say, “Stop smoking and drinking —cut out all the vices.” Then there are those who may say, “Plan to get closer to God —pray and go to church.” Although the answers may vary in how to start off a new year, most people agree that the New Year marks an opportunity for change and new beginnings.
However, did you know that statistics show only 9%, 9 out of 100 people who make a New Year’s Resolutions will actually keep and honor the resolution the full year? In fact, within the first week of this new year, approximately 23%, 23 out of 100 people will quit the resolution within the very first week, and by the end of this month, January, 43 out of 100 people would have totally given up on fulfilling their New Year’s resolution.
Year after year, resolutions are made yet so many are broken. So, to help those who may have struggled in this area, I propose a solution, it is the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Saint. That’s the BIG IDEA for today, KISS, Keep it Simple Saint! This concept is seen in the fundamental text of 1 Corinthians 2:2, “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” – (NKJV).
There you have it, brothers and sisters, Apostle Paul presents to all of us a simplified life, the KISS principle at its finest. Hear the words again, “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” Do you see Apostle Paul’s made-up mind, his personal decision and resolve? He made a deliberate and intentional choice to only have ONE priority, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul did not preach Christ crucified by chance or by force of habit, but because of a definite resolution of his will.
Brothers and sisters, I’m sure 2025 will provide plenty of opportunities for us to get distracted, delayed, and sidetracked by good and worthwhile causes, whether through politics, social issues, or other things. However, we must strive to keep the main thing the main thing, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples for HIM! When we choose to keep Christ in the center of our lives, everything else will work out for good. God has left us, HIS people, here in the earth for ONE core reason, so that those in darkness would see HIS glorious light and hear the good news through YOU and be saved.
For Paul, the choice was clear-cut, Jesus Christ and HIM crucified. In case you were not convinced of Paul’s resolve, He also states in Philippians 3:13-14, “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But ONE thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” BUT what about you my brother, my sister, will you make Jesus Christ your singular priority, your most essential concern in 2025 and the years beyond if the LORD grants you that time? I plead with you to choose the KISS, Keep It Simple Saint principle today and say, “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”